
《THE FINALS》躲避球投手成就怎么完成

《最终决战(THE FINALS)》中比较难做的成就是非常多的,躲避球投手就是其中一个,而这个成就的要求就是在15秒内使用3种不同的携带物击中对手,成就难度很大,不过没有要求击杀,可以找个场景操作一下。

《THE FINALS》躲避球投手成就怎么完成


躲避球投手 Dodgeball Champion




This is the second challenging throwing achievement. However, since it doesn't require eliminating three people, it's somewhat easier to achieve deliberately compared to the previous one about eliminating someone with a flower pot.

It's recommended to play as a fast "shorty" or a durable "heavy" character. Rush to where the fight is happening as soon as you hear it. There are many throwable objects in the game, including but not limited to explosive and gas cylinders, flower pots, chairs, and signs. After throwing an object, quickly find the next one to throw. It's estimated that this can be completed within about 2 hours.

《THE FINALS》躲避球投手成就怎么完成

《THE FINALS》躲避球投手成就怎么完成

《THE FINALS》躲避球投手成就怎么完成

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